Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Ross Noble

Last night I had the good fortune to be able to see Ross Noble at the Plymouth Pavilions.

He has to be the most dynamic stand-up comedian I have ever seen. Before last night I had watched two of his DVDs. Both were very entertaining but did not compare with seeing him live.

The stage was bare apart from a huge inflatable hydra-like monster with four heads of Ross Noble leering over the audience. Members of the audience had placed little gifts for him at the front of the stage. It reminded me of an elder god from an H.P. Lovecraft story.

When he came on he was bouncing around and full of energy and the audience were ruptured by his presence. He selected his usual few targets at the front of the audience which is part of his act and ridiculed them and found out more about them. These included a man with a negative outlook on life judging by his responses of 'shit' and 'crap' leading Ross to assume the man was poo obsessed much to the hilarity of the audience. Another was a skinhead in a string vest who liked Disney films and a fairly ordinary looking lady with the children's skulls tattooed on her feet. Ahh... the Plymouth Populace.

The evening's entertainment covered topics such as elephant rape, poo babies, bodily fluids and Our Lord Jesus Christ having his testicles trapped in an IKEA computer desk. Primarily his act is unscripted resulting in his responses and jokes being triggered by the general comments of the audience of the night. I wonder what he'd have made of me if I had been sat on the front row and caught his attention.

It was a fantastic and throughly entertaining night all in all and I should very much like to see him perform again one day.

Ross Noble's Website

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