Wednesday, 4 March 2009


Buildings fascinate me. They shape settlements and give them character. Every building projects an image which may inspire or depress. Take the Houses of Parliament, a palace of the people. Majestic Gothic Revival standing proud provoking images of power and beauty; Its clocktower iconic rising high and handsome. Then take the Empire State Building, towering so tall and bold with its geometric art deco look. Even 78 years later it manages to look modern with its smart design. An excellent example of a 20th Century building.

I love being able to guess the age of a building just by looking at it. Being able to tell the difference between a Victorian house and a 1930s one. As a great fan of history it's only natural to have an interest in architecture.

It used to be a thing of pride and status. Look at our nation! Look at our cities and our quaint villages! Are they not beautiful? Even after the devastating First World War art deco prevailed a new streamlined look of the future. So I cannot understand why after the Second World War architecture took a downturn. Suddenly concrete was fashionable. The Civic Centre, built in the early 1960s, is an excellent example of the stark grey grimness that was deemed to be a groovy statement of the times. Its beauty is purely its monstrosity.

Architecture today is either generic or over-the-top arty. I long for a day when style and decoration returns to our construction sites. Or even the simple geometric design of art deco. Perhaps styles such as Classical Revival and New Deco will grace our cityscapes and wouldn't it be nice to see Faux Tudor return to the walls of suburban and village buildings.

Whatever the future has in store architecturally I hope it's something that inspires and makes a stylish statement. Buildings that look appropiate for our brave new world.

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