Friday 19 June 2009

Everyday Appearence

Now that my internet access is back on my desk and not in the hallway I am able to comfortably add more to my blog.

Anyone who knows me or has met me in person will know that I tend to overdress. I enjoy wearing smart clothing. Suits, waistcoats, ties etc. It makes me feel like I've made some small effort.

What fascinates me most is how I am treated. When I am wearing my work uniform I am treated like an idiot. When I wear my beach bum clothes on a hot day I am treated like just another member of the public. When I wear my smart clothing people smile, are helpful and thoroughly pleasant. Little do they know how cheap it is to look so good.

I feel it also highlights the shallow attitude many have (I myself have been guilty of it) and one should never judge another human being purely by appearance. Wait until they've proven themselves to be lovely or downright awful.

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Sweet Sweet Internet

I fling up my arms in glorious praise to the gods of the wires! For I now am reconnected with the rest of the civilised world! This may or may not be a good thing.

My lack of internet did make me think back to the '90s where things were just kicking off. Radio advertisements would scream "Get online now!" and to have home internet was a thing of wealth and the height of modern technological achievement in your own living space.

Now of course we take it for granted as we do mobile phones. There was once a day where I had to use a house phone with a cord forcing me to stay in one spot whilst I spoke to someone. Once I had to walk around a department store fifty times before I found my friends and/or family.

Communication is stronger than it ever was and this is not a bad thing. I have kept in touch with people it would be so easy to loose if it weren't for websites that constantly remind me they exist. It would be tragic to loose contact with the many splendid people I've met along the way.

So yes, internet! Hurrah!